With origins in Group Catair in 1996, and founded by its Co-CEO’s Olivier Sadran and Jonathan Stent-Torriani, Newrest is the only major catering company active in all catering and related hospitality segments.

Η Newrest ιδρύθηκε στους κόλπους του Ομίλου Catair, το 1996, από τους Συνδιευθύνοντες Συμβούλους Olivier Sadran και Jonathan Stent-Torriani, και είναι η μόνη μεγάλη εταιρεία catering που δραστηριοποιείται σε όλους τους κλάδους τροφοδοσίας και φιλοξενίας
Our Services
Newrest offers a wide range of services, mainly including passenger menu planning and meal preparation, but also the management of the entire supply chain, aircraft maintenance and cleaning as well as VIP services.
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